Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vocab #8

flout- to openly disregard
"Whenever i speak i seam to be flouted in every conversation."
caveat- a notice or warning
"The police officer gave him a caveat after pulling him over for speeding."
blazon- to proclaim widely
"Blazon the very idea he dreaded."
filch- to steal casually      
"The girl snuck up to filch the wallet out of the mans pocket."
fractious- bad tempered; easily irritated 
"He behaved very fractious when he didn't get what he wanted."
equitable- fair or impartial
"My mother was equitable when it came to dividing up the pizza."
autonomy- self governing
"America gained their autonomy after they won the war against England."
addendum- in addition
"I grabbed another soda addendum to my coffee i was drinking."
amnesty- forgiveness for a pass offense
"After stealing my sandwich the day before, he replaced it with a new one, i gave him my amnesty."
axiomatic- self-evident; unquestionable
"The politician had an axiomatic position regarding his policies."
extricate- free from constraint or difficulty
"The bear extricated himself from the net after he was caught."
soporific- medicine inducing sleep
"The patient was given a soporific before going into her surgery."
scathing- critical or scornful
"The actor was given a scathing review after his performance in the play."
unwieldy- difficult to carry or move because of size
"The coal miner found the wheel barrow of heavy coal very unwieldy to move."
vapid- boring; not stimulating or challenging
"Watching golf on television can be very vapid at times." 
prognosticate- foretell a future event
"The fortune teller at the circus was quite prognosticate as she spoke about him."
sepulchral- gloomy or dismal
"Washington state has so many rainy days that people that live there must feel it is very sepulchral."
salutary- positive effect; beneficial 
"Graduating high school will hopefully be salutary on my life and future."
straitlaced- exaggeratedly proper
"The businessman of a rich corporation walked in the room very straitlaced and yet friendly."
scourge- a whip used as punishment
"In ancient times the workers were scourged into submission during their work."
precept- a rule used to regulate
"The office has many precepts to learn for each position." 
transient- impermanent 
"The temp agency only allows me to work for a transient period of time. "

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